cup to tbsp

c = ? tbsp

This converter makes instant conversions from US cups (c) to US tablespoons (tbsp). It also provides the conversion steps. To use the converter, please provide a value in the input field. The converter will begin making conversions as the values are being typed in.

How many tablespoons in a cup?

Both tablespoon and cup are units of volume in the United States (US) customary systems of measurement that are still being widely used. In the US customary systems, a cup is defined to have 16 tablespoons. Based on this definition, there are 16 tablespoons in a cup.

How to convert US cups to US tablespoons

Based on the definition of 1 cup being exactly 16 tablespoons in the US customary system, the cup to tablespoon conversion formula is:

tbsp = 16 × c

Thus, to convert from cups to tablespoons, multiply a value in cups by 16. For example, convert the volume of 0.5 cups of soup to tablespoons:

0.5 c = 0.5 × 16 tbsp = 8 tbsp

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