Birthday Calculator

Date of birth
Age at that date

This birthday calculator computes the birthdays, age, Zodiac sign, generation, Chinese Zodiac, and birthstone based on either the date of birth or age on a specific date. To use this calculator, select whether you know the date of birth or the age on a certain date, enter the required values, and click the 'Calculate' button.

A birthday marks the anniversary of the day a person was born. It's a significant personal milestone that is often celebrated annually, with traditions varying widely across cultures and regions. Here are some of the common elements and customs associated with birthdays:

  • Celebrations: Most birthday celebrations involve social gatherings, where friends and family come together to celebrate the individual. These gatherings often include eating, drinking, music, and other forms of entertainment.
  • Cake and Candles: A birthday cake is typically decorated and brought out to the birthday person while guests sing a birthday song ("Happy Birthday to You" is the most common in English-speaking countries). Candles are placed on the cake, one for each year of life, and the birthday person makes a silent wish and attempts to blow out the candles in one breath, a practice thought to bring good luck and ensure that the wish will come true.
  • Gifts: Giving gifts is a common practice on birthdays, intended to show affection and to celebrate the individual's life. These gifts can vary significantly from simple and thoughtful items to more extravagant and personalized presents.
  • Cards: Birthday cards are often given, either alongside a gift or as a standalone gesture. They typically contain messages of goodwill, humor, or affection.
  • Special Attention and Treatment: The birthday person often receives special attention from family and friends, which can include special outings, favorite meals, or a break from everyday responsibilities.
  • Cultural Significance: In some cultures, certain birthdays have special meanings and are associated with particular rituals. For example, the first birthday is especially celebrated in many cultures because of the historical high infant mortality rates; turning 15, 16, or 18 can be marked with ceremonies that symbolize the transition from childhood to adulthood.
  • Legal and Social Milestones: Birthdays can also mark when certain rights, responsibilities, and social milestones are reached, such as eligibility to drive, drink alcohol, vote, or retire.

In everyday conversations, the terms "date of birth" and "birthday" might be used interchangeably by some, but they hold distinct meanings and implications. While both relate to the day a person was born, their uses in social, legal, and cultural contexts vary significantly. The date of birth refers to the exact date on which a person was born, including the day, month, and year. The date of birth is used as an essential piece of information in many legal and administrative contexts. It's crucial for identity documents, school enrollments, eligibility for certain benefits, and many other official purposes. The date of birth is a static piece of data that does not change. Birthday refers to the annual celebration or acknowledgment of the day a person was born, excluding the year. It's more about marking the passage of each year since the person's birth. People celebrate their birthday with various traditions, such as parties, cakes, gifts, and other forms of celebration. Unlike the date of birth, a birthday recurs every year and is often a social occasion.

The date of birth of an individual is linked to various cultural and astrological symbols that carry meanings and are believed to influence one's personality, fate, or lifestyle. The following are some of the most commonly associated elements. These elements are some of various traditions and belief systems, and their significance can vary widely among different cultures and individual beliefs.


Generations refer to groups of people born within a specific period who share similar cultural, economic, and social experiences that shape their worldview and behavior. Each generation typically spans about 15-20 years, and members tend to have shared experiences during their formative years that influence their attitudes, preferences, and values. Here's an overview of some widely recognized generational cohorts in the United States:

  • The Silent Generation: Born between 1928 and 1945, this group is characterized by their experiences during the Great Depression and World War II. They tend to value hard work, financial prudence, and have a strong sense of duty towards their country.
  • Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964, during a period of post-war economic boom, which resulted in a significant increase in birth rates. Baby Boomers are known for their strong work ethic, are generally resourceful, and are often associated with a rejection of traditional values.
  • Generation X: Born between 1965 and 1980, Gen Xers grew up during a time of shifting societal values and economic change. They witnessed the rise of personal computing and the end of the Cold War, shaping their independent, resourceful, and self-sufficient traits.
  • Millennials (or Generation Y): Born between 1981 and 1996, Millennials are the first generation to come of age in the new millennium, hence the name. This generation is marked by rapid technological advancement and economic volatility, having witnessed the dot-com bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, and the growth of the Internet. They value flexibility, innovation, and social values.
  • Generation Z (or Gen Z): Born from 1997 to 2012, Gen Zers are true digital natives who have grown up with access to the Internet and social media. This connectivity has fostered global awareness and a strong sense of community and activism. They tend to be tech-savvy, progressive, and pragmatic.
  • Generation Alpha: The cohort born from 2013 onward, this generation is still very young but is anticipated to be the most technologically immersed. Early observations suggest they will likely continue the digital trends seen in Generation Z, with even more advanced integration of technology into daily life.

Each generation has traits shaped by the unique economic, political, and cultural climates of their times. Understanding these differences can help in addressing the needs and values of each group effectively, whether in marketing, workplace dynamics, or intergenerational communication.

Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs are a core aspect of astrology, which is a form of divination based on the idea that the positions and movements of celestial bodies—like the sun, moon, planets, and stars—can influence human affairs and natural phenomena. The concept of zodiac signs originated over 2,000 years ago with the Babylonians and was later developed by the Greeks.

There are 12 zodiac signs, each corresponding to a segment of the ecliptic—the apparent path the sun takes across the sky over the course of the year. As the sun moves through each segment, typically lasting around a month, it aligns with a specific constellation. Here is a list of the 12 zodiac signs, the dates they cover, and some traits typically associated with each:

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19): Energetic, assertive, and competitive.
  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Dependable, sensual, and enjoys creature comforts.
  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Curious, adaptable, and communicative.
  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Emotional, nurturing, and protective.
  • Leo (July 23 - August 22): Dramatic, outgoing, and fiercely independent.
  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Methodical, meticulous, and practical.
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): Balanced, social, and seeks harmony.
  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Intense, passionate, and powerful.
  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Adventurous, optimistic, and freedom-loving.
  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Disciplined, ambitious, and hardworking.
  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Innovative, quirky, and humanitarian.
  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Empathetic, intuitive, and sensitive.

In astrology, each sign is also linked to one of the four elements—fire, earth, air, and water—which adds another layer of traits to the signs. For example:

  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are considered dynamic and temperamental.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are grounded and practical.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are thought to be rational, social, and intellectual.
  • Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are emotional and intuitive.

Zodiac signs are often used by astrologers to predict events in a person's life and to describe personality traits, although these practices are not supported by scientific evidence. Astrology remains popular in many cultures and continues to intrigue people with its mysterious and often reflective insights.

Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac is an ancient system that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year in a repeating 12-year cycle. Unlike the Western Zodiac, which is divided by months, the Chinese Zodiac is divided by years—specifically, by the Chinese lunar year. Each year is associated with a specific animal, and it is believed that a person born in a particular year will have the traits of the corresponding animal. The cycle includes the following animals, each with its own set of characteristics:

  • Rat: Intelligent, adaptable, quick-witted, charming, artistic, sociable.
  • Ox: Loyal, reliable, thorough, strong, reasonable, steady, determined.
  • Tiger: Enthusiastic, courageous, ambitious, leadership, confidence, charismatic.
  • Rabbit: Trustworthy, empathic, modest, diplomatic, sincere, sociable, caretakers.
  • Dragon: Lucky, flexible, eccentric, imaginative, artistic, spiritual, charismatic.
  • Snake: Philosophical, organized, intelligent, intuitive, elegant, attentive, decisive.
  • Horse: Adaptable, loyal, courageous, ambitious, intelligent, adventurous, strong.
  • Goat: Peaceful, generous, well-mannered, shy, creative, empathetic, determined.
  • Monkey: Fun, energetic, and active. A monkey year is associated with cleverness, flexibility, and curiosity.
  • Rooster: Honest, energetic, intelligent, flamboyant, flexible, diverse, confident.
  • Dog: Loyal, faithful, honest, distrustful, often guilty of telling white lies, temperamental.
  • Pig: Loving, tolerant, honest, appreciative of luxury, caring, cultured, generous.

The Chinese Zodiac plays a significant role in Chinese culture, influencing people's lives, actions, and decisions. It is not uncommon for people to consider zodiac compatibility in marriage and relationships, the auspiciousness of certain years, and career choices based on the traits associated with one's zodiac sign.


Birthstones are gemstones that are associated with each month of the Gregorian calendar and are often worn as jewelry. Each stone has a unique significance and historical background, believed to bring good luck, health, and protection to the wearer. The concept of birthstones can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where gemstones were valued not only for their beauty but also for their supposed mystical properties.

The idea of birthstones is believed to have biblical roots, originating from the breastplate of Aaron described in the Book of Exodus, which contained twelve gemstones representing the tribes of Israel. This connection evolved over centuries, with the stones eventually being linked to the twelve signs of the zodiac and later to the twelve months of the year.

The modern list of birthstones was standardized in 1912 by the American National Retail Jewelers Association, now known as Jewelers of America. This list has been updated occasionally to include more options for certain months and to adapt to changing market availability and consumer preferences. Here is a list of the generally accepted birthstones by month:

  • January: Garnet - Symbolizes trust and friendship.
  • February: Amethyst - Known for its beautiful purple color and is thought to promote clarity and tranquility.
  • March: Aquamarine and Bloodstone - Aquamarine is believed to calm and soothe, while Bloodstone improves circulation and energy.
  • April: Diamond - Associated with strength, love, and eternity.
  • May: Emerald - Symbolizes rebirth and love.
  • June: Pearl, Alexandrite, and Moonstone - Pearls are classic and timeless, Alexandrite changes color under different lighting, and Moonstone is known for its calming effects.
  • July: Ruby - Represents love, health, and wisdom.
  • August: Peridot, Sardonyx, and Spinel - Peridot is linked to strength and balance, Sardonyx to courage, and Spinel to revitalization.
  • September: Sapphire - Known for its deep blue hues and symbolizes dignity, loyalty, and wisdom.
  • October: Opal and Tourmaline - Opal is famous for its play of color and Tourmaline is appreciated for its range of colors and soothing properties.
  • November: Topaz and Citrine - Topaz symbolizes love and affection, and Citrine is believed to bring warmth and energy.
  • December: Turquoise, Zircon, and Tanzanite - Each of these stones has unique blue tones and is associated with happiness and relaxation.

In various cultures, birthstones have been embraced for their decorative and symbolic value. They are popular gifts for birthdays, graduations, and other celebrations. Many people wear birthstone jewelry as a form of personal expression and as a way to connect with their birth month.

Traditionally, each stone is believed to hold specific powers, such as protection, healing, and prosperity. While these mystical properties are not scientifically proven, they add to the allure and narrative of birthstones, making them cherished items for many people around the world.

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